For those of you who do not use FaceBook, here’s what is being posted on the Walker Fire Facebook Page. It’s in order from oldest to newest as you read from top to bottom. Each paragraph is a separate post.

April 19, 2022

The smell of smoke early in the morning is normal fire weather and not an indication good or bad of the current status of the fire.

We were able to get some info from dispatch. For now, they have the fire at 350 acres. Crews worked all night. Dispatch could not confirm whether there was active flame but we should assume there was. They hope have helicopters up between 8:00 and 8:30 and tankers between 9:00 and 9:30.

The big threat today appears to be a wind event looks like could start late morning from one source but take that with a grain of salt.

Although the fire is big, keep in mind that some portion of that 350 acres, or whatever the actual number might be, is already burned, already black. We’ll try to update as/if we get more information.

We have no idea of course what will happen today. There have been social media posts indicating we should be in the Ready status for evacuation. During the Goodwin Fire, we went from Ready to Go in a shockingly short time one morning.

If this escalates and you’d rather not be in a traffic jam on Walker Rd, remember there could be campsite traffic, it might make sense to pack up and go now.

To be clear we have NOT been told to GO.

Forest Service closure along walker rd. Walker Rd is not closed, this is about Forest Service access.

If you’re in Walker you can hear that air operations have begun. There’s a lot of smoke, keep that in mind for any relevant health issues.

A type 3 team has taken over management of the fire, will be transitioning to a type 1 shortly.
The fire is estimated now at 600 acres. The did burning operations over night so hearing it grew with no other context is not enough information to know whether it is getting worse or not.

If we are given the order to evacuate, please do so. Staying behind is a safety hazard for you and emergency personnel.

Our understanding of the law is that no one can force you to leave your property but if you do leave, you can be prevented from coming back.

Staying after an evacuation order makes it worse.

Fire activity has increased and the winds are picking up as forecast. What we’re being told is that it’s really going to come down to what happens with spot fires, do we get any and can they be knocked down.