Our Annual Firefighter Appreciation Day/Pig Roast is just around the corner! Next Sunday, September 5th from 4-6pm.
Here’s a great way to thank your hard working volunteer firefighters while packing in a year supply of cholesterol.
The WFPA will smoke the pig,simmer some beans, offer light refreshments and a few big cakes.
The rest is up to you…pot luck style.
Please bring one of grandma’s favorite recipes as a side dish.
We historically have run out of side dishes before the line runs through.
This year, PLEASE only bringing side dishes…NO DESSERTS PLEASE.
The WFPA can order a few large cakes to satisfy those sweet teeth.
Historically, this has been one of the best attended celebrations of the year, and it happens fast, so come on-time and make the most of it.
We will have music, a short program and lots of HOT, FRESH Walker Merchandise.
Seating can be limited, so please feel free to bring your own chair and even a pop-up canopy if you want to sit in the park area.
Also, please try to carpool as convenient spaces are limited.
Thanks for another year of awesome, community support!
Hope to see you all there!
Johnny O
Fundraising Chairman
Questions? Please contact me at John_ohanesian@yahoo.com

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