We get mail.

Short version is that parking will be tough, and the newsletter won’t arrive to you in time.

Bring food.

The WFPA Annual Meeting is a week from tomorrow May 28th. Check in
starting at 8:15 a.m. to get your ballot. Meeting starts at 9:00 a.m.
Hopefully over at 10:00 a.m. except for counting the ballots.

There is going to be a terrific challenge this year. The Chip and Haul
material is still blocking our parking lot. That means finding a parking
space will be difficult.

We will be brainstorming parking possibilities and let you know suggested

The Newsletter will most likely not reach you before the event but you can
find it on the front page of the walkerfire.org website. (Prominently
displayed next to the New Special Fundraising Link). In that you will see
the bio’s of the candidates for the Board of Directors. Get to know them
as best you can.

The Annual Meeting is also a Pot Luck. You always bring your best and
there is nothing like a Community Pot Luck. We eat and wait for the ballot
count and visit.

It’s also a time to see our merchandise. Karen will be sending a
reminder too but would shake her finger at me if I forgot to mention it.

As much as I don’t like to send repetitive emails, I am going to send
additional notices about the Annual Meeting. It’s important.

Please plan to come either in person or by Proxy (the Proxy’s are in the
Newsletter and on the web)


Bill Loughrige