The data of up to 87 million people on FaceBook was improperly shared with the political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.

I know a lot of people don’t like FaceBook. They have privacy concerns or don’t want to it to be a time suck.

I get all that, but I love FaceBook. I’m careful what I post, but I use it every day, and will continue to use it.

It’s very useful for people in Walker. The Potato Patch group and the Walker Fire page have been valuable during the fire, or to find out snow and road conditions, or to get advice on services. I’ve gained new friends I didn’t have before.

Those places are great and I don’t want to replace them.

My Background
My first job as a web developer, in 1998, was working for a large video game publisher. After that, I worked for the company that developed MySpace. I was there at the beginning of social media.

Jeff Probst and me at the 10 year Survivor reunion in January 2010, after 20 seasons.

Jeff Probst and me at the 10 year Survivor reunion in January 2010, after 20 seasons.

I published my own fan web site, including hosting and moderating a forum, for the TV show Survivor for over 12 years and made money from advertising.

Since I’m not doing that anymore, I used my old Survivor forum software license to set up a new forum for our own use in Walker.

A Safe, Private Alternative
I want to provide an alternative for people to get information about Walker, but who don’t want to use FaceBook.

The new forum is part of the WalkerCommunity.com web site.

Forums have been around for years. The software is not as slick as FaceBook, but it gives us all of the functionality we need.

You can post photos and videos. You can share anything you want and discuss things with other people.

It is focused on Walker.

There will be no tracking, no personal information gathered beyond what you choose to put in your profile.

There is no possibility of personal information being sold, because there’s no personal information being gathered.
I want this to be a gift for the community. I’m not making any money from it, unless you ask me to help you sell your house.

Please Try It
There’s not a lot of content there now, so please post something. Whatever you would post on FaceBook, give it a try on the new forum.

It should be easy to use. That’s the goal. Go to to the home page and follow the directions. There is an FAQ page that answers questions.

If you have any problems at all, please let me know and I’ll walk you through it.

The new forum is for people who want something different, something more secure and private.

I want to encourage people who will never use social media to use this forum. It’s a safe place where everyone can be social without the concerns you might have about FaceBook.

Please check it out and let me know what you think.


Click here to start: http://forum.walkercommunity.com